Innovations in sheep farming

Arashan sheep are one of the largest breeds in the world in terms of live weight.

The Kyrgyz meat and fat breed of sheep Arashan was bred through folk selection in farms of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Араш sheep

Officially recognized

April 15, 2021 No. 110

Ключевые характеристики

Unique features of the Arashan breed


High degree of adaptability to maintenance in highland and valley steppe conditions


Excellent meat and fat qualities, ensuring high productivity


The fat tail is large, typical for the breed


High energy of growth and development at all stages

Breed characteristics

Officially recognized achievements of selection

Currently, the number of sheep and goats in the Kyrgyz Republic is over 6 million heads, of which more than 90% are meat-fat sheep. More and more attention is paid to the development of early maturing meat and meat-fat sheep breeding. Due to the established foundations of the Kyrgyz people, fat-tailed sheep will play a dominant role in the production of mutton among other breeds of different productivity directions for a long time. Also, there is an increasing market demand for mutton and a growing interest in purebred sheep breeding. The Arashan sheep breed was registered on April 15, 2021, by order No. 110 of the Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Regional Development of the Kyrgyz Republic. Patent No. 66 for "Breeding Achievement" was issued to the Kyrgyz Public Association of Sheep Breeders on August 30, 2023. Arashan sheep are one of the largest breeds in the world by live weight. The new breed was bred (1970-2021) in farms of the Kyrgyz Republic. When creating the breed, rams of the Gissar breed were used, imported in 1977 from Tajikistan, which were crossed with local coarse-wool ewes. Animals of the second generation from absorption crossing, meeting the requirements of the desired type, were bred "in themselves". The Kyrgyz breed "Arashan" has excellent meat and fat qualities, large size, fat tail, high growth and development energy, and is highly adapted to living in highland and valley steppe conditions. The animals are large, with a harmonious build of all body parts. The head is large, the chest is deep, the back and sacrum are straight, the body is wide with straight and widely spaced legs. They are distinguished by a large body weight, high precocity and a high yield of fat tail fat, as well as good adaptability to pasture maintenance.  The live weight of stud rams (3 years and older) is 140-210 kg. The live weight of ewes (3 years and older) is 90 - 150 kg  Feed for sheep of the Arashan breed can be quite varied. The diet must be properly balanced. To do this, combine in certain proportions: 1. Succulent feed Serve for fattening mass. The basis of the diet of sheep and rams is: • Grass. Both succulent sprouts and coarse grasses are suitable. Animals eat weeds, thorns, even young branches of bushes or trees. Fresh greens are very nutritious until mid-summer. When the grass loses most of its properties, this is the period when supplementary feeding with shoots is introduced. Corn, barley, bran, and compound feed are suitable. • Vegetables. Root crops are rich not only in vitamins, but also in fiber. Carrots and beets are most often used. They improve bowel function and also increase resistance to infections. • Silage. Such feed is very nutritious. Corn mows are often mixed with hay or roughage. • Melons. Zucchini and pumpkin are rich in useful microelements. Succulent feed is suitable for any season. It must be of high quality. 2. Roughage What to feed sheep at home - roughage is preferable in winter. To make up a stall diet, use: • Hay. Various grasses during the flowering period, as well as alfalfa, clover, peas are considered the highest quality for harvesting. They are rich in nutritional and useful microelements. For an adult, the daily norm is 2-4 kg. • Silage. The grass is mowed (bede) and dried until it loses half of its initial moisture content. Then it is preserved. • Straw. It does not belong to the main feed. If there is a need to add it to the diet, then it is worth considering the restrictions. Barley, wheat straw should not exceed 2.6 kg for adults, 1 kg for young animals. Roughage contains too much fiber. Overfeeding rams can cause digestive problems. At the same time, the nutritional properties of such food are much inferior to succulent feed 3. Concentrated feed Compound feed and concentrate are among the best for feeding sheep. The mixtures are made up of: • Wheat. • Barley. • Oilcake. • Legumes. • Bran. • Corn. Wheat bran and other additives make the diet rich. You can't do without proteins, fats, and starch. They are added to the feed at the rate of: • 100-150 g for sheep. • 600 g for rams. Animals also need mineral supplements: • Salt. • Chalk. • Bone meal. • It is important to add PREMIXES.

140-210 kg
Live weight of stud rams (3 years and above)
90-150 кг
Live weight of ewes (3 years and above)
Араш sheep
  • Голова большая
  • Туловище широкое
  • Грудь глубокая
Показатели продуктивности

Минимальные показатели продуктивности породы овец "Арашан"

Показатели Баранчики в 1,5
годичном возрасте
Бараны в 2х-
годичном возрасте
Бараны производители в 3х-
годичном возрасте и выше
Элита 120 130 140
1 класс 110 120 130
2 класс 100 110 120
Показатели Ярочки в 1,5
годичном возрасте
Овцематки в 2х-
годичном возрасте
Овцематки в 3х-годичном
возрасте и выше
Элита 70 80 90
1 класс 60 70 80
2 класс 50 60 70

Первое приложение для овцеводов в Кыргызстане

Кыргызское Общественное Объединение Овцеводов "Арашан" представляет мобильное приложение для эффективного управления хозяйством

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